Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1-4-08: Labor and Delivery

L&D: For those of you who have already delivered your babies, were you are prepared for the labor/birthing experience as you wanted to be or thought you needed to be? If you took a class, do you think it helped? Do you feel like you were well informed of all your options before you went into labor? If no, do you think that more advance information would have mattered?

1. No, I did not feel at all ready and I took the basic Childbirth class. For me, once it was happening I just stayed in the moment since I didn't know anything else! Next time, I'll feel more comfortable requesting things and asking for a different nurse or whatever. It was a surreal experience.

2. I was prepared but not prepared at the same time. My head new everything but because I went unexpectedly I had a hard time emotionally coming to terms with being in labor. My class on labor and delivery was amazing, I would highly recommend the Bradley classes to anyone, even with my c-section they helped. And my recover was fast, easy and I new what to expect because of the class.

3. I took a birthing class which helped a lot. It gave me a better idea of what to expect and know that there were other moms out there scared about birth like I was. We hired a doula and she really helped us with our birthing plan and let us know what sort of questions to ask. We felt pretty well informed with all of our options. As for my actually delivery - it was quite the roller coaster ride. I had to be induced 4 weeks early because of my preeclampsia (Pregnancy induced hypertension) which is basically high blood pressure due to the pregnancy. I was in labor for 36 hours - not something I expected. But I didn't expect the preeclampsia either so basically - anything can happen. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst! Because I was early - I'm glad that we had a doula there to help us through the process.

4. We're not quite there yet, but we've been taking Bradley classes and are really enjoying them. I think K has appreciated the classes since this is an aspect of the process that he can be fully involved in. It's been a nice bonding experience for us.

5. I took a class with DH at UCSF that prepared me for all realms of possibility pretty well. I knew the meds, the logistics of everything, etc which was really important to me. I surprised myself at how calm I was all day and while the feeling is not something you can really be prepared for, I think I was the most prepared as possible.

6. I thought I was pretty well prepared the first time, but I really wasn't. I hadn't focused much on the fact the delivering in a teaching hospital was perhaps not the best environment for someone using hypnobirth methods. The second time, I was was much better prepared.

7. I took a 6 week class through the hospital and felt prepared. I wish they had spent more time on what to expect with an epi though, since that's what I ended up having. This time I'm taking a refresher class through my dr's clinic, and I've heard they spend more time on medical options for pain management.

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