Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1-4-08: 2nd Trimester

2nd trimester: For those of you in the second trimester who’ve had a level-2 ultrasound, did you find out the gender or choose not to? If you know, are you telling everyone or keeping it a secret? If you haven’t had it yet, do you want to find out the gender? If you wanted to know (or not know) and your spouse didn’t (or did), what did you do?

1. We definitely wanted to know the gender of our baby. With our first, DH didn't really care either way whether we found out or not, but now that we have our little boy, DH really wanted to know if Logan's having a brother or sister. I know he kind of wanted another boy since he wanted two of the same gender, but he's had almost 2 months to get used to the idea of having a girl and I think he's happy about it now. Shortly after we found out, we told everyone we're having a girl.

2. I'm going to find out the gender. We find out on Jan. 27th. We won't keep it a secret. It's something we both want to do.

3. For #1 we found out but only told close family. We told everybody else we didn't find out because we wanted to keep it a secret. For #2 we found out and told everyone.

4. We didn't find out with #1 (my choice) and we will with #2 (DH's choice).

5. DH and I both wanted to find out the sex of the baby. She cooperated with us, so we were able to find out we're having a girl. We didn't keep it a secret.

6. Right now we are up in the air as to whether we want to know.

7. We had a LOT of discussions about finding out the sex... but in the end... I really not a patient person, and luckily was able to convince DH that we should find out in advance! I love knowing and talking to my baby boy.

8. We both want to find out and we will find out on the 24th. So excited!!! We'll tell people once we find out, too many people have asked to keep it a secret....and I want to tell the world.

9. We've always chosen to know the gender. DH won't even discuss names until he knows what he's working with.

10. We did find out the gender and told anyone who asked that it is a boy! DH and I are both planners so we both wanted to know....I had a hard enough time waiting 18 weeks to find out, I couldn't wait 40! :)

11. We both wanted to find out and luckily she cooperated very well during the big u/s. We did not keep it a secret.

12. We chose to find out. We also decided to tell people right away too. For me it has helped me bond with our little baby to be. Also, it is fun to pick out stuff for the room and clothes.

13. We wanted to find out. Having her will be a surprise enough.

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