Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1-4-04: First Days

First days: What was your baby’s temperament in the first days? Did you have a sleeper or was your baby wide awake?

1. Riley is a fairly easy baby, he is a good eater, sleeps in 3 hour stretches and for the most part is awake and happy during the day. He loves to be held but also is good in the bouncer. I would consider myself a lucky mommy.

2. For the first 4 months Owen slept every 90 minutes for 90 minutes AROUND the CLOCK! It was insane. He then slept through the night for two months and then was up 2 or 3 times a night until he was 15 months old. Aw man, I am not looking forward to that again! I'm going to go take a nap!

3. Baby was pretty mellow the first few days. He pretty much slept and ate. Because he was early - he didn't have much fat on him which meant he didn't sleep for long periods of time. He woke up every 2 hours or so to feed. This got to be very tiring after a week! But I would say he's a baby that's easy to read. He's not very fussy so when he cries I know he needs something (eat, diaper, sleep or wants to play).

4. Caleb had a regular sleep/wake pattern day and night. The hardest part was him always needing to be held. He wouldn't sleep alone at all, even if we were right next to him. He needed to be on us.

5. She's a mellow baby and super alert and social from the day she was born. She cluster fed the second night which I knew may happen but was still exhausting but then after eating for like 5 hrs straight she slept for 4 hours straight. She's been a great sleeper since.

6. Ryan was alert from the start, Aaron was more chill. Both slept a fair amount the first night and were awake for most of the second.

1-4-08: Labor and Delivery

L&D: For those of you who have already delivered your babies, were you are prepared for the labor/birthing experience as you wanted to be or thought you needed to be? If you took a class, do you think it helped? Do you feel like you were well informed of all your options before you went into labor? If no, do you think that more advance information would have mattered?

1. No, I did not feel at all ready and I took the basic Childbirth class. For me, once it was happening I just stayed in the moment since I didn't know anything else! Next time, I'll feel more comfortable requesting things and asking for a different nurse or whatever. It was a surreal experience.

2. I was prepared but not prepared at the same time. My head new everything but because I went unexpectedly I had a hard time emotionally coming to terms with being in labor. My class on labor and delivery was amazing, I would highly recommend the Bradley classes to anyone, even with my c-section they helped. And my recover was fast, easy and I new what to expect because of the class.

3. I took a birthing class which helped a lot. It gave me a better idea of what to expect and know that there were other moms out there scared about birth like I was. We hired a doula and she really helped us with our birthing plan and let us know what sort of questions to ask. We felt pretty well informed with all of our options. As for my actually delivery - it was quite the roller coaster ride. I had to be induced 4 weeks early because of my preeclampsia (Pregnancy induced hypertension) which is basically high blood pressure due to the pregnancy. I was in labor for 36 hours - not something I expected. But I didn't expect the preeclampsia either so basically - anything can happen. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst! Because I was early - I'm glad that we had a doula there to help us through the process.

4. We're not quite there yet, but we've been taking Bradley classes and are really enjoying them. I think K has appreciated the classes since this is an aspect of the process that he can be fully involved in. It's been a nice bonding experience for us.

5. I took a class with DH at UCSF that prepared me for all realms of possibility pretty well. I knew the meds, the logistics of everything, etc which was really important to me. I surprised myself at how calm I was all day and while the feeling is not something you can really be prepared for, I think I was the most prepared as possible.

6. I thought I was pretty well prepared the first time, but I really wasn't. I hadn't focused much on the fact the delivering in a teaching hospital was perhaps not the best environment for someone using hypnobirth methods. The second time, I was was much better prepared.

7. I took a 6 week class through the hospital and felt prepared. I wish they had spent more time on what to expect with an epi though, since that's what I ended up having. This time I'm taking a refresher class through my dr's clinic, and I've heard they spend more time on medical options for pain management.

1-4-08: 3rd Trimester

3rd trimester: For those of you in the third trimester what has been your favorite part about being pregnant?

1. I have enjoyed all the movement this time. Gavin is a very active baby and that is just the best thing! I also like my pregnant body so that is fun. It's been fun sharing it with Garrison too. He talks to Gavin (Gabin is the way he says it!) and kisses my belly. That is fun.

2. There's not a lot about being pg I like, except the end result! I guess feeling the kicks... but not in my ribs ;-)

3. I loved being pregnant. It was easy for me. We'll see how it is with a toddler.

4. I love feeling all the movement. She's pretty active & it's fun to feel her kick and twist.

5. I love the whole Gaia-esque part of being pregnant. It was an entirely ethereal and yet grounding experience for me the first time around.

6. Since I am in my 3rd Trimester, I think my favorite part about being pregnant has been the preparation for the new baby. I have really enjoyed getting the nursery ready, picking out colors for the rooms, getting the right furniture & accessories. Oh, and this may sound materialistic, but getting all the cool presents and new stuff for the baby from others. I cannot wait for Emmalee to come so I can take pictures galore for her scrapbook and start using my Cricut.

7. Favorite part... hummm... I think the movement. Carrying my baby around all day... knowing that he's there growing inside me is a pretty amazing feeling!

8. Feeling her move has been the best thing ever. She's very active and her movements are getting stronger all the time. I don't even mind when she keeps me awake with her late night kicks. I love it!

9. Yay! I just entered the 3rd tri. I have loved almost everything about being pg. I love what it means to me and my family, I love thinking about being a parent, I love the feeling of having her inside of me, I love planning for her to come and getting ready for her. I am a big-time nurturer so I feel like I have been waiting for her my whole life.

1-4-08: 2nd Trimester

2nd trimester: For those of you in the second trimester who’ve had a level-2 ultrasound, did you find out the gender or choose not to? If you know, are you telling everyone or keeping it a secret? If you haven’t had it yet, do you want to find out the gender? If you wanted to know (or not know) and your spouse didn’t (or did), what did you do?

1. We definitely wanted to know the gender of our baby. With our first, DH didn't really care either way whether we found out or not, but now that we have our little boy, DH really wanted to know if Logan's having a brother or sister. I know he kind of wanted another boy since he wanted two of the same gender, but he's had almost 2 months to get used to the idea of having a girl and I think he's happy about it now. Shortly after we found out, we told everyone we're having a girl.

2. I'm going to find out the gender. We find out on Jan. 27th. We won't keep it a secret. It's something we both want to do.

3. For #1 we found out but only told close family. We told everybody else we didn't find out because we wanted to keep it a secret. For #2 we found out and told everyone.

4. We didn't find out with #1 (my choice) and we will with #2 (DH's choice).

5. DH and I both wanted to find out the sex of the baby. She cooperated with us, so we were able to find out we're having a girl. We didn't keep it a secret.

6. Right now we are up in the air as to whether we want to know.

7. We had a LOT of discussions about finding out the sex... but in the end... I really not a patient person, and luckily was able to convince DH that we should find out in advance! I love knowing and talking to my baby boy.

8. We both want to find out and we will find out on the 24th. So excited!!! We'll tell people once we find out, too many people have asked to keep it a secret....and I want to tell the world.

9. We've always chosen to know the gender. DH won't even discuss names until he knows what he's working with.

10. We did find out the gender and told anyone who asked that it is a boy! DH and I are both planners so we both wanted to know....I had a hard enough time waiting 18 weeks to find out, I couldn't wait 40! :)

11. We both wanted to find out and luckily she cooperated very well during the big u/s. We did not keep it a secret.

12. We chose to find out. We also decided to tell people right away too. For me it has helped me bond with our little baby to be. Also, it is fun to pick out stuff for the room and clothes.

13. We wanted to find out. Having her will be a surprise enough.

1-4-08: 1st Trimester

1st trimester: For those of you in the first trimester, have you already told friends and family, or are we the lucky few who know? How did you tell your husband/family/friends about your BFP?

1. With #1, we didn't tell anyone until past 12 weeks and we'll try to do the same with #2. But DH is asking me to test every freakin' day, so I don't think he'll be able to wait as long this time around! DH was there when I tested, so he knew. We sent an "It's a boy/girl mix balloon bouquet to his parents who are out of state. And I told my mom during a visit.

2. For baby #2 I told DH as soon as he woke up with a Father's Day card and positive test! We told our parents right away as soon as we saw them in person. We had Caleb wear a "Big Brother" shirt to make the announcement. For siblings we called after telling our parents, friends we mostly told in person as we saw them. It spread from there.

3. We told close friends and family pretty early in the 1st trimester. For everyone else we waited until around 12 weeks. Before I got my BFP I was thinking of creative ways to tell DH, but I was so excited that I ended up just blurting it out.

4. We told family and close friends. I haven't told at work yet. I told DH right away - couldn't hide the smile on my face when I saw the positive HPT. For our family (who live in Germany/ Austria), we chose Christmas as the time to tell. We sent books such as "Grandparents for Beginners" or similar to my dad/ DH's mum and dad.

5. My first pregnancy, I presented DH with a "My First Mickey (Mouse)" onesie while we were in Orlando, but he didn't get it (and told me the 0-3 onesie was probably way too small for his 2-year old nephew...). For the others, I just showed him the stick.

6. We have told very few people this time around. I m/c in May, so we are trying to be much more cautious this time around. We have told some close friends and our families, but have not really told anyone else yet. I am not sure if the end of the first tri will make me feel comfortable enough to tell everyone.

7. We plan to not tell anyone but close friends and our parents until we hit the 2nd trimester mark.

8. We told friends and family right away, since we knew they would support us no matter what happened.

9. When DH got home from work, I told him that day...dragged him to the pile of + HPTs that I kept taking (I was in denial! haha) We told immediate family around 5 wks, very close friends around 8. Everyone knew at week 12/13

10. I woke up freakishly early the morning I got my BFP so I took the test and then took it out into the living room with me so I wouldn't wake up DH (since we have master bath in our room). I couldn't believe my eyes and I sat there for about 40 minutes thinking about ways to tell him but in the end decided I was too excited to not share so I went and woke him up. We told my parents two days later just over the phone since they're out of state and his parents we told with a poem when they got home from Italy. I didn't tell my friends until after my first appointment due to spotting.

11. We wanted to tell family in person as they live far away and we had trips already planned, so we told family at 6 weeks, friends at 8, and work at 9 b/c I had to hire a sub the 2nd day of school for our 1st dr appt.

1-4-08: TTC

TTC: If you’re actively TTC, are you winging it or tracking your ovulation? If you were winging it, but now track, how long did you wait before switching to charting or OPKs (or some other method)?

1. We're winging it for the most part! I know my cycle and when I should O, but I'm not taking temps or checking CM.

2. I winged it for 2 months with #1, then used OPKs the 3rd month and got pg. With #2 I used OPKs right away and got pg right away!

3. We started charting right away. I had been on BCP for so long that I wanted to get to know my body and my cycle before we started actively TTC.

4. I started charting in early October...we didn't end up using OPKs.

5. We are tracking using FF as I have long cycles right now and the OPK's and monitors aren't working.

6. I'm not a very patient person... so I only waited about 2 months before I started using OPKs. And I was so glad that I did. While most books tell you that you'll O at 14 or so days... I O'd at 18... That was a big difference.

7. We tried in November and I used OPK and I didn't get a BFP. December we didn't try because we both had nasty colds and not exactly in the mood. I think I might give the OPK a try again this month but not sure yet. They are expensive!

8. I started charting about 5 months in....OPKs around the same time.

9. We weren't actively tracking ovulation at the time but I had charted in the past to figure out basically how my cycle worked. I can feel when I ovulate and have a very regular schedule, so that took a lot of the guesswork out of TTC.

10. We winged it for a couple of months, then I started temping with I wasn't seeing any pattern or any ovulation detected which helped me start checking things with my doctor. After I went on Clomid I started using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor, which I love. I recommend that machine over anything else, plus my readings were verified by progesterone tests 7 days after ovulation. Of course, right now all I had to do to track ovulation was take a trigger shot & then go in for my IUI 36 hours later. That really took the guesswork out ;)

11. Because my cycles were so whacky before going on BCP I bought TCOYF and started temping right away. I didn't get OPK until about 5 months in and the cycle I got my BFP I had borrowed a CBEFM.

12. I charted, then used OPK's. The cycle I got this BFP we did not use anything official, but I did pay attention to fertility signs like CM that I learned via charting and confirmed with past OPK usage.

13. I charted from the get-go for both pregnancies. With Aaron, I was still nursing at night, so I didn't get enough sleep to temp accurately, so I just charted cervical data and used an OPK the cycle we got our BFP.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the blog for the Nor Cal Nest Babies on the Brain mini-forum. This blog will be a reiteration of our posts on the Nest forum and house our collective knowledge base with searchable tags. Look for Mondays' posts to be copied and pasted here on the following Thursday, and Thurdays' on the following Monday.